Q: Is this zine going to be physical or digital-only?

A: The zine will be available both physically and digitally.

Q: Will this zine be safe for work?

A: Yes! There may be some blood, mild injuries, and swearing, but there will be no serious gore or sexually explicit content.

Q: Will the zine include background ships/polyamorous ships that involve oumota?

A: No, sorry - there is no way to know what other ships everyone interested in the zine would also like, and we don't want to ostracize anyone.

Q: How long will the actual zine writing pieces be?

Zine pieces will be approximately 1,000 to 2,000 words; if a writer happens to go a little over that it can be discussed. If its under 1,000 we'll most likely ask for it to be lengthened.

Q: Is this zine for profit or for charity?

A: Both, actually. Contributors will have the choice of accepting payment or donating their earnings to charity. Regardless of this choice, all contributors will receive a free copy of the completed zine. We will be donating to a BLM or Indigenous Fund, and will be looking into which are in need at the time of donation.

Q: Is there an age limit on applying as a contributor?

A: You must be at least 14 years old to apply. Minors will most likely have to donate their earnings to charity by default, since you have to be an adult to use paypal.

Q: When will I get my zine?

A: We will be updating our schedule with that information closer to the end of preorders.




Aug 9th - Sept 9th
contributor apps

Sept 12th - 13th
app results

Oct 4th
first check-in

Oct 21st
second check-in

Nov 10th
final check-in

Dec 4th
preorders open

Jan 11th
preorders close

processing period

production period

March-early April
colour/proof correction & production

April 23rd - May 6th
processing & shipping

Estimated arrival times
North America shipping - May 7th-May 21st
International shipping - May 17th - June 21st
Digital products - May 12th

June 12th weekend
Leftover sales



lead coordinator | shipping | writer

Hi everyone- I'm Craig, a 21 year old digital artist, writer, and oumota enthusiast. This is my first time organizing a zine, and I'm super excited to help create a zine for something I'm passionate about!


advisor | artist

Hi, I'm Caeleigh, an artist in my late 20s who's been creating in fandom spaces actively over the past decade. I'm going to be an art mod here! This will be my first time modding for a zine, after participating as an artist in over a dozen, including Sore Wa Chigau Yo! A Danganronpa Protagonist Zine, Please Insert Coin: A Chiaki Nanami Zine, Dull Start! The Twilight Syndrome Murder Zine, Ultimate Heroic Despair: A DR x BNHA Crossover Zine, and Kind Lie: A Saiouma Zine within this fandom. I've sold and printed for artist alleys and am ready to help where I can. I'm thrilled to see what everyone brings to this, oumota is a soft spot for me in this fandom and I look forward to your applications!


graphic designer | artist

Hello! I'm Paper, I'll be working as the graphic and layout designer for this zine. I have some previous experience in illustration, design and editing as well as previous experience co-ordinating an online fandom writing contest for several years, and I also happen to love oumota with all my heart. This will be my first time modding a physical fandom zine, and I'm excited to make this happen!


graphic designer | artist

Hi! I'm Yak, a 22 year old art student, and digital artist. I have participated in conventions and artist alley working with merch and prints! Very excited to mod this zine and bring oumota fans together!